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Course Descriptions

HIS 200 - Women in the United States: A Historical Perspective

3 Credits

This course surveys the diverse history of American women from European contact to the present, with special attention given to the extensive range of women’s experiences as shaped by race, class, ethnicity, gender and sexual identity. Women’s relationship to and their actions in both the private and public sectors will be studied, along with varying conceptions of womanhood. In addition, the course examines how women in the United States have both influenced and have been influenced by the political, economic, social, and cultural development of American civilization.

Learning Attributes: WR

Retiring SUNY General Education: SUNY-AH - American History (SAMH)

MCC General Education: MCC-SSD - Social Science and Diversity (MSSD)

Course Learning Outcomes
1. Describe how the historical realities of various demographic characteristics has influenced and/or shaped the development of women’s history in the United States.
2. Analyze women’s relationship to and their actions in, the private sector of the United States.
3. Analyze women’s relationship to and their actions in the public sector of the United States.
4. Compare and contrast varying conceptions of womanhood.
5. Explain how women have influenced the institutional and societal development of American civilization.
6. Explain how women have been influenced by the institutional and societal development of American civilization.
7. Utilize writing to communicate an understanding, application, or evaluation of material related to women’s historical experiences.

Course Offered Fall

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Spring Semester 2025
Summer Session 2025